Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Apraxia Speech Therapy Where to go for Help

Where do I go for help now?

Where do you go for help when the insurance runs out or the therapist nicely informs you that your loved one has plateaued?

Thousands of families in the US and around the world start getting skilled care for aphasia, dysarthria or apraxia, and one day... Uh-Oh they are informed that either the loved one has plateaued, or the number of approved visits has been met.  Imagine the shock and dismay when this happens.

Where Should I Invest My Resources and Go for Help?

There is a growing movement today, especially among people who have suffered from stroke and aphasia and other neurological speaking difficulties to believe that they can get true help from an i pad with some apps for a severe-profound speech and language loss.  So a very sizable investment is made, apps are purchased thinking this will be the answer to help the loved one speak again, and unfortunately with time it is soon realized that this piece of technology and software is NOT doing the trick to help their loved one speak better.

The Concept of Skilled or Expert Care

There is a distincition here you should be aware of.  There is a true difference between skilled and expert care.  Skilled care is provided by anyone, no matter what the experience level is.  Skilled care can be someone with literally the bare minimum of experience, however they are certified and licensed as a speech language pathologist.  

Then there are the experts.  They are difficult to find.  When you go to a rehab. department, or a clinic you really don't know what the skill level is so most families just take whatever therapist is assigned.  The expert is a therapist with years of experience with aphasia, apraxia or dysarthria.   They may have presented at National conventions, written papers, and often have received advanced training.  They often are familiar with many ways to address speaking difficulties where in comparison the skilled practitioner may be just be a beginner or have limited interest or experience.  

Find Out Who and Where to Go For Help

The ability to speak is a priceless commodity.  It can make the difference between someone who is depressed and angry versus someone who is happy and loving.  There are very few talents that are as vital as talking and communicating.  People expect expert care to be inexpensive or free; often it is not.  But like anything else, some investments are well worth the money and often the value of speaking  improvement is worth much more.  

Decide to Invest in Speaking and Find The Best Therapist You Can

An expert therapist can make a profound difference in speaking recovery.  Make it a plan to invest in the ability to communicate with speaking if your loved one is capable and find the best therapist you can!  Ask around, especially from people who are very happy with their therapy and report significant improvement.  Then interview at least 3 therapists before making a choice.

Here is an icon below if you would like to learn how to help your loved one speak better at home.  Or, you can contact us today and find out how you can be personally mentored in speech therapy methods to help those with aphasia, apraxia, and dysarthria improve the ability to talk.