Monday, August 14, 2017

Speech Therapy for Stroke : Myths and Truths

Speech therapy for stroke is no quick fix, and even with best methods, it often takes years to achieve successful speaking improvements.  Speech therapy for stroke is crucial for maximum speaking recovery.  Here are some of the myths and truths of speech therapy for stroke.

Speech Therapy for Stroke
Speech Therapy for Stroke
Requires Talking

Speech Therapy for Stroke:  Myths and Truths

1.  Speech therapy for strokes Myth:  Twice or Three Times a Week is Intensive.

Speech therapy twice or three times a week for a moderate to profound aphasia is bare-minimum.  Due to forgetting, and severity of most aphasias, speech and language therapy should be something that is done all through the day, preferably by spouse of family members.  Research has shown that families at home can get equal if not better speech recovery than therapy in the clinic due to all the hundreds of opportunities to help someone speak at home 24/7.

2.  Speech Therapy for Strokes Myth:  Work Sheets Help You Talk Better

Do worksheets help?  Any stimulation helps.  However if you want to get better at speaking one must do a lot of speaking and with another person.  That is where talking takes place; through the questions, answers and requests that are made among and between people.

3.  Speech Therapy for Strokes Myth:  It's the Speech Therapist's Job 

Speech therapists are like any professional.  There are therapists, and then there are THERAPISTS!  Each one is a separate person with varying degrees of experience, education, motivation and drive.  Just because a person is a therapist does not necessarily mean they are well qualitfied to work with your loved one.  That is why you should ask about their training and expertise.  Usually the more training and experience the better the result.   Do not leave the total responsibility for helping your loved one talk up to someone else?  No one knows how long a therapist will be able to work with you, so learn all you can so that you can help your loved one speak at home.  It has been shown that people with strokes and aphasia who have been trained to help them talk, actually make pretty good progress especially when they get intensive help speaking at home!

4. Speech Therapy for Strokes Myth: If I Go to an Aphasia Intensive, Maybe My Loved One Will Recover His/Her Speaking.  

Many aphasia intensives that are offered in various cities around the country are sponsored by colleges and Universities.  Intensives may offer students at Universities training in stroke and aphasia therapy.   They are costly and require the person with aphasia and spouse to come to the city, pay the admission for the intensive in addition to the travel expenses, meals and hotel costs.  Some University Programs are research based and are often highly interested in research and student training.

Due to affected memory retention, an aphasia intensive whether university or private based may initialy show some positive results, however with time what was covered or taught there becomes forgotten.  Many intensive programs do not train the caregivers, since the students or the research may be higher priority.  Family members are often dissapointed there was not enough spouse and family training for stroke and aphasia.  There are some exceptions to what is typically experienced.

These are just a few of the Myths and Truths about speech therapy for stroke.  There is myth and truths in all statements.  Be on the lookout for additional information that will help you become a more educated consumer of speech therapy services.

5.  Speech Therapy for Stroke: Truths

The major truth to share with you is the fact that family members, caregivers and spouses can and are perfectly able to learn expert methods to help your loved one talk at home.  Those who truly succeed are devoting their lives to better speaking, and it takes at least two people to talk.  Talking requires the process of asking and answering questions and making statements.  There is no technology that even comes close to benefit of the actual act of talking with another person for speaking improvement.  

Would you like to get started today learning to help your loved one talk at home?  Are you and your loved one committed to making the improvement of talking top priority?  If so, start learning to help your loved one or client TALK.  Teaching of Talking Online Video Training  Start today!